
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Most people who get infected with West Nile virus do not have any symptoms. Some people develop a mild illness called West Nile Fever. This mild illness gets better on its own. No treatment is needed. A small number of people (less than 1 out of 100) who get infected with West Nile virus develop severe disease, called West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis (inflammation of the brain or the area around the brain). This severe disease usually requires hospitalization. In some cases, especially among older persons, it can result in death. Symptoms of severe illness include headache, high fever, stiff neck, mental confusion, muscle weakness, tremors (shaking), convulsions, coma, and paralysis. See your doctor if you develop these symptoms. There is no specific treatment for the West Nile virus infection.

There is no vaccine available for people.

· Cover Up! Wearing long sleeve shirts, long pants and socks sprayed with repellent while outdoors can further help prevent mosquito bites. Avoid Mosquitoes! Many mosquitoes bite between dusk and dawn. Limit time outdoors during these hours, or be especially sure to use repellents and protective clothing.
· Spray! Spray insect repellent containing DEET (Look for N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) on exposed skin when you go outdoors. Spray clothing with repellents containing DEET or permethrin to repel mosquitos. Products with a higher percentage of DEET (up to 50%) give longer protection against mosquitos. Don't spray repellent on skin under clothing. Don't use permethrin on skin.
· Use Repellent Carefully! Repellents containing DEET are very safe for adults and children when used according to directions. Don't put repellent on kid's hands because it may get in their mouth or eyes.

Screens: Keep mosquitoes outside by fixing or installing window and door screens.
Drain Standing Water: Don't give mosquitoes a place to breed. A small amount of standing water can be enough for a mosquito to lay her eggs. Look around every week for possible mosquito breeding places.

Empty water from buckets, cans, pool covers, flower pots and other items. Throw away or cover up stored tires and other items that aren't being used. Clean pet water bowls weekly. Check if rain gutters are clogged. If you store water outside or have a well, make sure it's covered up. Encourage your neighbors to do the same.

so far all symptoms match! (shxt), will see doctor tomorrow to confirm, I think ... 要 放 假.........


Monday, August 29, 2005


曲:李宗盛 詞:李宗盛 編:



Saturday, August 27, 2005

詩 一 首

翻 查 歷 史 書, 在 下 獻 醜 喇
學 兄 音 樂 人 , 如 繁 星 幼 沙
鐵 塔 也 凌 雲 , 先 有 許 冠 文
黃 霑 出 品 頻 , 伴 我 半 生 人
林 夕 哲 理 深 , 歌 詞 難 唱 甚
永 亮 曲 悽 楚 , 悲 歌 何 其 多

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The clothes That I wear

My result of the personality test The Clothes You Wear. It's damn too accurate (don't know if it is good or bad!)

What others see from your style

You probably live in your own little world and studiously avoid having to search for your own identity. You may feel that you are not loved, and being in your imaginary world is your way of coping with this. You get moody easily.

What your nightclothes reveal

You are friendly and always in good mood. You are candid and helpful, and can be sexy at times too.

What others see from your ties

You are a happy and contented person. You are protective of your friends, honest and tidy. You are hardworking and like to be the person in charge.

What others see from your belts

You are a lonely and demanding person. You are hardworking as well as intelligent, and can be passionate when in love.

What others see from your shoes

You are kind and open-minded. You may not be talkative, but you are friendly and enjoy the company of intelligent people. You always keep the secrets of others, and never play tricks on people.

What others see from your earrings (stupid setup, don't allow you to proceed unless you answer this Q and no option for n/a)

You are probably an independent and strong-willed person. Fairness is important to you, and you always stand up for what you believe in. You are friendly and get along well with people.

The last analysis

You are probably a clever and adventurous person. You love to learn new things, and enjoy socializing with friends. Although you enjoy your freedom, you cherish peacefulness and like to spend time alone with your thoughts.

After thoughts: Haha! At least it is consistent with the previous test.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Have not been taken this type of test for a long time. It is fun to do a self evaluation once in a while. And here is what the result said:-


You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what is expected of you. Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never follow trends. On the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.

心理測驗原文: http://www.ullazang.com/personality.html

After thoughts: May be it is better off for me to be alone for the rest of my life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

In Front of the Stop Sign

It’s been a while since my last posting. Not that I am getting lazy (may be I am, or may be I’m not working hard enough). Part of the reason could be found in the local newspaper (Sxxx Txx Daily) dated July 30th and Aug 1st editions - I was busy with my High School World Conference and was being buried by the intensive four-day long activities, especially those preparation work before the event. As the lead of the pack, I am committed to give my 110% to proof that we are “something more”. Finally it was over and I managed to escape to Napa for a few days – to unwind myself and to really think about who I am and where am I suppose to go.

To some people (audiences), Ching Sheung is an invisible “figure” who only exist in cyber space; has an habit to hop on other blog writer’s homepage and give opinions without their permission. Nobody knows whether is a “he” or “she”, how old he is, what does he looks like and where is he coming from.

All I can say is, Ching Sheung is a down to earth person, just like other people, he needs to make a living by working around the clock; he came from a congested city and moved to another congested city (stupid); he sees things slightly different from the others and could be classified as “crazy” sometimes. He believes that making one step ahead of the others (or see beyond) is the key to success. That’s why he “aged” faster than the others.

He used to be a workaholic but now he likes to balance his life between work and joy, that’s why he picked up wine and golf as the tools for self-mentoring. He understands that life long journey is not an easy trip and be prepared to walk alone, quietly. He is also willing to show other people his footprints, no matter whether they are on the right tracks or not. As long as nobody makes the same stupid mistakes again. That's what experience is all about.

Ching Sheung, like his name implies:
– has been invited to serve as a “part-timer” here, he may not last for long;
– had some unforgettable experience in the past that hurts; and there is a reason for him to hold back.
– in Mandarin, it sounds like “成雙” (I wish);
– He always try to make him available for people to ask questions;
– He may hurt others too, accidentally.

Ching Sheung, is just human, a small potato with a hard hat, or a messenger with a keyboard, who knows nothing but repair roads and bridges, to close the gaps between human beings.. There is an old Chinese saying: “those who kill and rob will get a golden belt; those who repair roads and bridges will die as nobody.” Definitely I don't belong to the 1st group, I'm broke!