
Sunday, December 11, 2005


冷鋒下, 迎著呼呼北風, 試著 Haagen-Dazs 新口味, 凍在口邊, 暖在心頭.

寒冬天, 火爐邊, 一邊喝著大大杯加倍情濃 (Cappuccino), 一邊破解 high level Sudoku.

熱海溫泉旅館內, 零度天氣下泡私家湯, 看朦朧蒸汽加海天一色, 不奇然想起 thermodynamics…

冬夜, 流落瑟縮於新宿街頭, 二人吃著同一碗熱呼呼醬油拉麵加叉燒

海拔八仟呎雪山中, 登山吊車上,看鷹從身邊飛過, 靜聽風聲颼颼, 享受片刻的寧靜, search the least crowded, best path for snowboarding downhill moments later.

水力按摩池裡, 喝著香檳, 啖著士多卑利加巧克力, 除去白天的疲勞

沙灘上, 淺水邊, 看浪淘沙, analysis scour effect

夏夜海傍, 和您吹吹風, 聽浪輕拍岸

打住傘雙擁在雨中踱步, 思考行快點會不會不用濕身, 還是行慢點較安全, 有時間替您撥去髮邊的水珠.

高速公路上, 飛弛的同時, 打開天窗, 看點點繁星, 和一架架排隊降落的民航機

深秋在和珣陽光下, 漫步加州葡萄園, 順手採一顆熟透的葡萄往您咀邊送

秋夜裡, 高爾夫球練習場內, 仰望二佰碼外, 靜看小白球不斷劃破長空, 有如看流星雨, and analyze the trajectory of the balls just hit.

大廳落地玻璃窗前, 沙發上, 被窩中, 看萬家燈火, Carpenters 舊歌 “Yesterday Once More”

清早上山晨操, 看日出, 回來不忘帶您一份豆漿, 恣飯加油條

黃昏海邊, 看夕陽斜照, 晚風送落霞, 回看留在沙灘上的足印, 沉思

浪漫, 並非文科生尊利.

可惜, 此情不再…….


Wo_木土人_od said...

"寒冬天, 火爐邊, 一邊喝著大大杯加倍情濃 (Cappuccino), 一邊破解 high level Sudoku."

"大廳落地玻璃窗前, 沙發上, 被窩中, 看萬家燈火, 聽Carpenters 舊歌 “Yesterday Once More”"


梁巔巔 said...



當然, 理科人也有浪漫多情之輩. 就如你程公子.



P.S. 你感冒如何? 若好了的話, 請寫你的序啦~

程霜 said...

LDD: Check e-mail and junction la!

梁巔巔 said...



但另外, 我 yahoo 嗰邊冇嘢喎~

梁巔巔 said...

Check our email la wei! ^~

Ruth Tam said...

I don't know how to classify myself. I was a science student in high school. I study English Literature in university and piano performance for Master degree. Then took the CFA and CFP. When I write, it's mostly music and dance.
Anyway, I think Romantic is from within. It's not what we do, but with whom we do it.

Hyacinthus said...

寒冬天,火爐邊,一邊喝著大大杯Cappuccino,一邊破解 high level Sudoku,能有此心而又樂在其心,我也認同浪漫之舉 :)

心裡有愛,去到那裡亦溫暖,浪漫又豈在朝暮呢? 程霜,情之所鍾,心自所安, the best is yet to come. best wishes!

巔巔:好在沒上你的檔,看?理科生的浪漫不忘科學,也是學以至用,拋書包的功架不在文科生下,analysis scour effect??? thermodynamics??? 有意思 :)

看來我要小心小心啦,等我回去搬搬書再來 @@

梁巔巔 said...

好風光 大概以心裝載 非關境況
如若怕真相未化妝 還是以主觀鏡觀看
一幅相 頂多拍下平面的震蕩
一顆心 先可以塑造天地圓方
寫真集沒法照出熱情 畫面會空礦
情願說真話像說謊 如若意境比較好看

*從感情出發 現實夢境穿插
不必百份之百 如實去記低那份平白
人生如畫冊 我有我的浪漫手法
剪貼著記憶 將最完美的定格*

摘錄自 "心照"



Anonymous said...

I was a science student but I didn't know what is analysis sour effect. May I ask what is it?

程霜 said...

Hyacinthus and JY:


This is a term used by soil engineers, structural engineers and those who do hydraulics and hydrology. In plain simple English, scour effect is the rate of erosion (by running water) to the soil/sand around an object/structure standing in the sea/water bed.

When you try to put up a structure (like a bridge) over trouble water (flow rate too high), the foundation of the bridge support (bridge pier) needs to be set deep inside the sea bed, and surrounded by the soil and sand. The soil and sand applying pressure to support the foundation. But running water will continuously wash away the sand and soil (natural erosion effect) and if too much sand is being washed away, the bridge support will eventually fail. So engineer’s job is to design a bridge pier and foundation structure with a shape that could minimize the erosion (scour effect), or precisely estimate the scour effect so the bridge could last through the designed life span.

Garfield said...

cs, i want to send you xmas e-card but you did not disclose your email address. Do you mind giving it to me? =)


ChecheBee said...


Carrie said...

I appreciate guys with balanced sentiments and rationality. Its romantic. =)