
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Taste of Lexus - 凌志品味




今次由日本豐田車廠舉辧,名為Taste of Lexus的試車會為期兩週,於El Toro Marine Corps Air Station舉行,大會今次安排了三條各約四份三英哩長的試車道讓大家試駕各款型號:試車道一號用以測試ES 350 四門房車, RX330 SUV,RX400h (雙能源) SUV及SC430 roadster (雙門開蓬跑車);二號試車道測試高性能豪華轎車 (luxury performance sedan):包括凌志07年旗艦車 LS460L,平冶S550 和寶馬750i;三號跑道則安排了四款高性能轎跑車 (high performance sports sedan) IS250、IS350、GS350及GS450h供測試。每條試車道都有一段大直路讓車手嚐試於五、六秒內由靜止加速至60MPH(或更快)再短時間減速入急彎,以考驗車手、引擎和制動系统三方面的配合和反應;亦有無數的彎位考驗汽車的貼路性能(road holding),更可短距離切線,以考驗汽車懸掛系统的隱定性.......。


SC 430 – A fancy convertible with all the bells and whistles, except that it needs a more responsive engine to go with the high performance brakes. Driver seat is good for female driver, but absolutely not designed for the big guys – a down to earth "ladies’ car".

ES 350 – A spacious, quiet, up-scale family sedan which has nothing to surprise you, everything is within expectation. A car that won’t get you excited, but passengers will love the soft, floating, boat-like ride (kind of boring); definitely an automobile with a luxury look and that’s all it will provide. Brakes will shake in high speed stopping though.

GS 350 – This one really disappointed me big time. Heavy, slow, under power, a lot of body roll in even mid range speed (30 to 40 mph) maneuvering. Poorly performed when handling all curves, does not feel like a rear wheel drive car at all.

IS 350 – The only Lexus model that impresses me for the day. Compact, tight, small yet fast and responsive. Handle curves and sharp corner turns better than the GS, it is definitely an entry level performance sports sedan. But with a price tag of over $40k MSRP, you have plenty of choice with this budget. The “formula one shift” (gear shift is mounted on the steering wheel) is a cool thing when you want hands on the wheel all the time.

BMW 750i– Haha, this is a no compromise ultimate driving machine: slick, smooth and solid handling when tackling curves and corners (curve? what curve?), plenty of power to be delivered, the seat wraps around your body and hugs you tight all the time. Some road noice and engine noice to remind you that you are driving, not commuting.

Mercedez Benz S550 – This is a stable, solid, slow to deliver power in 1st to 2nd gear, it takes time to move this heavy machine, but when the momentum get into place, this machine will not yield to anybody. This pony needs a larger turning radius to make U-turn.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

林憶蓮 - 傷痕

傷痕 - 林憶蓮 曲/詞︰李宗盛

夜已深 還有什麼人
你若不肯說 我就不問

只是你現在 不得不承認

為情困 磨折了靈魂
該愛就愛 該恨的就恨

不管未來多苦多難 有他陪你完成

雖然愛是種責任 給要給的完整
愛有多銷魂 就有多傷人
你若勇敢愛了 就要勇敢分

"該愛就愛 該恨的就恨 要為自己保留幾分"
"有時愛美在無法永恆 愛有多銷魂 就有多傷人
你若勇敢愛了 就要勇敢分"


Thursday, September 07, 2006





呆站在眼前,目光呆滯,一動也不動的,是一隻兩呎多長(尾巴看不見),約十六、七磅的鼯鼠 (Opossum,或稱”負鼠”)。牠望着我的車頭燈,施施然的行到洗衣機後面躲起來,情急下我隨手拿起一根木棒便往牠的背上打下去,可惡的任由你怎樣的往牠打,牠卻恃着皮粗肉厚,好一副打不還手的樣子,跟牠搏鬥了差不多五分鐘,才慢條施理的離開牠藏身之處,往街上走去。臨離開時牠還回頭望過來,一副楚楚可憐的模樣。牠的長相絕不討好,動作緩慢,溦溦月色下亦可看見牠完全沒有侵略性的眼神。


- 搏鬥時打破一枝光管;
- 車頭蓋給牠的爪留了一道長長的疤痕;
- 牆上的隔熱尼龍綿給牠弄到七凌八落;
- 有綫電視的電線和互聯網的入屋電線(見圖)給咬斷了;
- 種草用的肥料給吃了半袋;
- 還在車庫內留下一堆堆的”臭臭"。



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Limitations

We build roads and bridges between towns and cities, but we are not able to close the gaps between people;

We build water treatment plants to purify waste water, but we are not able to purify people’s mind;

We build miles and miles of pipeline to bring in fresh water, we still unable to wash away those memories from the past years;

We build earth retaining structures to hold back tons of soil, but a lot of times, we cannot even hold back our anger, or tears;

We build dams and costal structures to protect our coast line, but we are unable to protect those broken hearts;

We build huge parking areas to accommodate thousands of cars, how come we cannot accommodate other people’s one little mistake?

We can map out the whole city will Global Positioning System, but we still cannot map out other people’s mind;

We build traffic signal systems to allow thousands of vehicles to get through intersections safely, in an orderly manner; but we are not willing to let go with minor stuff.

We are Engineers. Also, we are Human, with Emotion.