
Monday, September 19, 2005


坐上車 坐上跑車 向著未知飛奔馳
仰望無限遠的星兒 迎著晚風飛馳
像個飛機師 換上風衣
快樂似紅黃藍綠 表板跳字
快似箭 著快線 迎著微黃霧燈超速沖線

小伙子 撥去帽子 為你完全情癡 不可抑止
盼與你明日碰見 承諾我為你的熱情未變

Twenty Gallon of Premium Unleaded Gasoline - $76.00
Breakfast at MacDonald – $5.00
A bottle of 2001 Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley Tapestry- $28.79
Dinner at Las Vegas with a friend from high school who you haven’t met in the past 20 years - $130
Possible fine amount for a speeding ticket for driving over 100 MPH - $271.00 plus deduct 3 points

Escape from the normal routine,
Let the Ultimate Driving Machine breathe
while you are holding your breath,
Let your heart beat in-sync with the speedometer while
cruising on Interstate 15 without being caught,
Managed to grap a camera to take some pictures,
and show it to your friends - priceless

Everything else, there is a Mastercard…….

Disclaimer: The filming of these pictures was a result of a very detailed plan. It was performed by driver with many years of driving experience who gone through intensive advance driving technique training conducted by professional race car drivers employed by auto manufacturer. These pictures were taken with serious consideration of road and weather condition, traffic volumn, sight distance and stopping distance. Anybody driving over the post speed limit is a violation of the California Vehicle Code and is subject to penalty, if proven to be guilty.


Carrie said...

Dangerous Driving? =O

程霜 said...

I don't think so. Read the disclaimer....
It will be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. All filming was being done under perfectly save condition.

I am not a professional race car driver, but I am close! Hehe ;P

Ruth Tam said...

Good you enjoy what you are doing.

cheryl said...

on the way to vegas, who cares? where you live btw? =) me down san gabriel valley