
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

消 氣



婦人氣得跳腳大罵。罵了許久,高僧也不理會。婦人又開始哀求,高僧仍置若罔聞。婦人終于沈默了。高僧來到門 外,問她︰你還生氣嗎?




“不生氣了。” 婦人說。



“你的氣並未消逝,還壓在心裡,爆發后將會更加劇烈.” 高僧又離開了。


“還知道值不值得,可見心中還有衡量,還是有氣根.” 高僧笑道。







Ruth Tam said...

Again, it's easier said than done.

Hyacinthus said...

yup, it's easier said than done.

程霜 said...

Lesson to learn along our path of life: learn how to forgive, learn how to let go, learn how to think in a positive sense. Society that filled with arguments, jealousy, and negative thinking will not do good for anybody. I think HK needs a lot more people with a positive attitude to help rebuild the City and stay compatitive with the others.

Ruth and Hyacinthus, you two are talented girls, you know what is good for you, you know which way is the right way, don't give up. To overcome the barricade that was set deep inside yourself is a lifelong challenge, nobody say it is easy, but it doesn't mean that it cannot be done. If you want to do it, go for it, you will have my spiritual support all the time.

梁巔巔 said...

人 生 就 像 一 場 戲 , 因 為 有 緣 才 相 聚 。
相 扶 到 老 不 容 易 , 是 否 更 該 去 珍 惜 。

為 了 小 事 發 脾 氣 , 回 頭 想 想 又 何 必 。

別 人 生 氣 我 不 氣 , 氣 出 病 來 無 人 替 。

我 若 氣 死 誰 如 意 , 況 且 傷 神 又 費 力 。

鄰 居 親 朋 不 要 比 , 兒 孫 瑣 事 由 他 去 。

吃 苦 享 樂 在 一 起 , 神 仙 羨 慕 好 伴 侶 。

Hyacinthus said...

ChingSheung, very positive thinking attitude. Really appreciate and it should be this way even lots of barricade in front.

Life is never easy for most of people and only those who endure during the bad moment could see the rainbow beyond. It's pretty indeed.

Life needs hope....

Sunshine said...

高明, 而且带启发性.

let's do it.