
Thursday, November 17, 2005


良久沒有刊文, 原因有二: 一, 心懶; 二, 過去多星期, 忙於幫助一位素未謀面的長者完成他人生最後的一段路.

長者的出身, 背景, 因未經他家人同意, 不打算在這裡詳述. 他畢生醉心中國文學,家裏有關中國文學的典籍不下過千. 他放棄高薪厚職, 投身教育, 默默於大學任教逾四十多年, 直到退休.

於追思禰撒上, 主禮神父的一段話, 發人心醒. 他說: "上天賜給亡者獨特的語言才能......他經過後天努力, 發展自己所長, 並不計較入息多與少, 醉心教育, 再將所學授予他人, 從而造福社會. 他用身教, 影響到他的學生, 從而深入認識中國文化. 而他的學生, 又再將所知所學, 傳授給他人, 影響了廣大美國人對中國人及中華文化的印象. 表面上他只是一位平凡的窮教授. 其實, 他對社會的貢獻, 影響的深遠, 跟本不可以用實物去衡量."

今天, 他在塵世上的任務已告一段落, 悄悄離逝, 甚麼也沒有帶走. 留低的,只有學生們對他的印象, 和神父記憶中他的一顰一笑.

生命的真正意義, 是不求甚麼封功偉績, 家財萬貫. 只求有生之年, 能夠將所知所學, 跟有緣人分享. 程某於願足矣....

再一次令我想起Michael Josephson的話:

"What will matter is not what you bought but what you built, not what you got but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence but you character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.
What will matter is not your memories but the memories of those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.
It’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters."

後記: 程某刊文,有一堅持: 盡量用白話文書寫,好讓自己對掉下多年的中文溫故知新. 眼見時下報章雜誌水準每下愈況. 錯字,白字連連.口語,俚語,俗語皆可上頭條,真有點心痛.


Wo_木土人_od said...


程霜 said...

It was a mixed feeling. He would not know.....when we knew about this, he was unconcious already.

Hegemon said...


Hyacinthus said...



Hachiko Monogatari said...

I guess the passing away of someone we know or dear to us will always leave a void and remind us to reflect on life itself.

What Michael Josephson said is true: it's not what we do but who we are that really matters.

To date, I've lost two friends (in the prime of life), so the feeling of such loss is mutual.

Anonymous said...

I knew one Chinese prof. named Dr. Yan in SanFran. He is v. old now. Your article made me think of him. He used to teach in HK too. Well, I wish him well.

Garfield said...

A person's lifespan might be short and he could make it meaningful through his passion about things and people around him. Do you agree with me cs?

程霜 said...

corinne, what you've said is absolutely true. So, make everyday a meaningful one and don't ever waste any minute.

梁巔巔 said...



"他畢生醉心中國文學,家裏有關中國文學的典籍不下過千. 他放棄高薪厚職, 投身教育, 默默於大學任教逾四十多年, 直到退休."

春風化雨. 而且可見他有一顆赤子之心. 不像一般教授那麼混, 呃飯食, 戇居居待退. 可敬. 仙遊了.....可惜.

"程某刊文,有一堅持: 盡量用白話文書寫,好讓自己對掉下多年的中文溫故知新."


"眼見時下報章雜誌水準每下愈況. 錯字,白字連連.口語,俚語,俗語皆可上頭條,真有點心痛."

簡直~~~~~~~可怒也!!!!!!!!! 冇眼睇!

Carrie said...


"Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.
It’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice. Choose to live a life that matters."

Yes, its all a matter of choice, and we could never predict the impacts of the choices we made. Yet, I choose, with no regret.

梁巔巔 said...


Wei, 去風信子大師度睇吓! ^~